As a parent and a member of this community, I am passionate about increasing literacy. Literacy is not just about learning to read. Literacy unlocks doors. Literacy allows children to have a better life, one that they choose. It allows them to learn. Every study done with children and adults find that when people read more, they have happier lives. Reading is essential.
Same Day Auto Service is holding a book drive. Now through April 30th. Drop off new or gently-used books for children aged birth to 18 and we’ll donate them to The Clackamas Bookshelf!
All donations get a $10 gift certificate. Call for details.
The Clackamas Bookshelf is a local nonprofit that gives books to kids throughout Clackamas County. Over 186,800 books have been given to children since 2014.
Click here to see their website, they are a wonderful organization.